Center of Hope Community Baptist Church:
Friday, September 20, 2024

Church Service (7/6/08)

This album contains photos from this week's Children's Hour, Baptism, and Dr. Perryman with a few guests.

With Guests

Dr. Perryman with the morning preacher (center), Rev. Floyd Rose (Social Activist, formerly of Toledo) and Rev. LeRoy Williams.

With Guests

Responsive Reading

Rev. LeRoy Williams leads the congregation with the Responsive Reading.

Responsive Reading

I Can Make A Difference

Ayden reads the title of this week's book.  It's entitled "I Can Make a Difference" and it is written by Marian Wright Edelman, Founder and President of the Children's Defense Fund.

I Can Make A Difference

How Can I Aim High?

The children learn from the book that a person can make a difference by "aiming high."  Rodney says he can aim high by "Working towards my dreams, having responsibility, and set aside ideas..."

How Can I Aim High?

Academic Honors

Zanquilla is recognized for her completion of Medical Terminology courses and earning a spot on the "Principal's List."

Academic Honors

Led into the Water

Dea. Young helps Jersey, 4, as he gets into the Baptism pool.

Led into the Water


Dea. Young wipes Jersey's eyes and congratulates him after baptizing him.
