Center of Hope Community Baptist Church:
Thursday, May 02, 2024

11th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration (6/8/08)

Dr. & Mrs. Perryman celebrated 11 years of Pastoral ministry.  The morning preacher was the Rev. Dr. Ivan Douglas Hicks of First Baptist Church North (Indianapolis, IN).  Afterwards, dinner was held at the Davis buidling. 

Dr. & Mrs. Perryman

Celebrating 11 years of Pastoral Ministry at Center of Hope.  To read their bio, click here.

Dr. & Mrs. Perryman

In the Pulpit

(l-r)  Dr. David Fox (Calvary Baptist Church, Dayton, OH), Dr. Ivan Douglas Hicks (Pastor of First Baptist Church North, Indianapolis, IN), Dr. D.L. Perryman (Pastor of Center of Hope Community Baptist Church, Toledo, OH)

In the Pulpit


Dr. Hicks offers prayer during altar call.


Gift from the City of Toledo

City of Toledo Councilwoman Wilma Brown presents morning preacher Dr. Hicks with a complimentary bottle of "Holy Toledo" water.

Gift from the City of Toledo

Responsive Reading

Dr. Fox leads the congregation with the Responsive Reading.

Responsive Reading


"I want to go back to the Responsive Reading, and there's something I'd like to change a little bit.  It said 'Blessed is our Pastor.  He is a blessing.  Dr. Perryman has comforted us'---and I would have to say for the last 6 years instead of 11 for myself---'...we thank you Lord for this special servant of turning mourning into comfort!'----and he does that----'...Today we honor our Pastor and First Lady, the ones who lead us Sunday after Sunday in worshipping the Lord.  This Sunday we still gather to'---thank him and the First Lady.  But I've gathered here to thank him on behalf of the Dorr Street Community and area, because he gives us comfort.  We have been struggling for the last 5 years on putting things together and every now and then he would call and say, 'How are you doing?'  and I'd say, 'I don't think too good.'  And he says 'Oh yes, He's very good and we're going to do this!'  And he works behind the scenes with me trying to revitalize the area.  But this is not the only thing he's involved in.  He's involved in everything that goes on in this city.  He just doesn't come out and say, 'I'm doing this' or 'I'm doing that.'  But I want to personally thank him and his family for just about adopting me and even sending me a Care Package.  I want to thank him so much for being here and everyday I come under that viadock and see 'Center of Hope Church' it gives me inspiration."



"First of all to the great Pastor Dr. Donald Perryman,First Lady Mrs. Perryman, to your entire church 'Center of Hope,' and to the entire church family, Deacons, Trustees, Usher Board, and all the visitors who are here this morning.  I bring you greetings from the City of Toledo with my colleague Concilwoman Wilma Brown.  I know that the County Commisioner talked about a quote from Luke, but I've been very fortunate to develop a very close friendship with this couple, and I have another quote to leave you with.  This is from Luke 6:35:  '...Lend unto others and don't expect anything back...'  If that's not him, then I don't know who is.  Thank you for your eleven years."


Community Leader

"Giving Honor to God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, let me say 'Good Morning' to my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Pastor & First lady Perryman, members of the pulpit, I bring you greetings from the Ohio House of Representatives.  You have served this community very well.  We are truly blessed to have you among us, the fine works that you do.  I looked in the bulletin this morning and I want to share this with the people in this audience.  Pastor and First Lady already know this.  Somehow or another I missed a memo telling me about this, but I happened to be sitting next to Pastor Perryman the other day at Seagate Center and I said to him, 'You know I've never visited your church before, I think I'll come and visit you.'  And he said 'We'll be looking forward to seeing you.'  Well I woke up this morning and I wasn't too sure whether I wanted to go to church and I thought to myself, 'I promised Pastor Perryman I was coming to visit.'  And so I got dressed, but then as I looked through the bulletin, I noticed the resolution of the Center of Hope Community Baptist Church.  It starts out by saying, 'Guided as we believe by the Holy Spirit...'  And so I must say that I believe I was being guided by the Holy Spirit the other day when I saw Pastor and said I would be here.  Again, let me congratulate you both and salute you from the Ohio House of Representatives and my prayer is that you will be blessed so that this community will continue to be blessed by the great works that you are doing.  Again, congratulations and we salute you!"

Community Leader

School Board Member

"...It's truly a blessing that he and I have turned out to be such good friends.  I've watched what he's done here and I love this church, I love the concept.  The fact that you've been able to get a Children's Defense Fund affiliated with you and you're getting ready to run the school (Freedom Schools program), and are putting everything in place and I'll come by and watch the kids in operation as you train them to be social activists and to fight for this community.  It won't just be what happens on Sunday, you're gonna be growing as community leaders so one day, they'll be a City Concilman, Mayor or a Councilman.  For two and a half years he drove back and forth through the snow and the rain to work on his Doctorate degree. Alot of people profess to be Doctors, but you are a bonafide Doctor.  And so again to the both of you, congratulations, we love you and thank you."   

School Board Member

Larry Jones

(Baptist Community Representative):  "...I have known Dr. Perryman for 35 years.  I thank the Lord for a friendship.  I've watched them and I've watched this church grow and grow and to see Dr. Perryman.  He's a friend and a brother.  I want to say to them today:  'Don't get weary in well-doing, for only what you do for Christ will last!' "

Larry Jones

Dea. Young

(Center of Hope member):  "...I've been here for almost 6 years, so I'm standing before you as a changed man.  I want to give honor to the entire family.  On behalf of the Men of Distinction, we want to honor our Pastor as well.  We want to thank him for mentoring us on Saturday mornings.  We talk about what's going on in the church and in the community, and he keeps us focused and 'on our toes'.  We want to thank the First Lady who pastors over the Women of Worth and the Bodacious Women as well as our children.  As a parent, we all need help raising our kids and we need a positive influence on them.  The Pastor went back to school to better himself and as well as his church.  What he learns, he instills in us.  I used to travel from church to church and I thank God for placing me here at Center of Hope under the leadership of the Pastor and First Lady.  It seems like he's speaking directly to me when teh message comes about, but he puts it in a way that we can understand.  Whether you're old, young, or middle-age he puts it in a way that we can understand.  I don't want to forget this one person, because without them, none of this is possible---that person is mother Mary (Dr. Perryman's Mother).  We love you and give you all the honor and praise...  to the Pastor, First Lady, and the entire family, we  love you all."

Dea. Young

Communtiy Leader

"I'm glad to be here on my own accord, because I consider Pastor Perryman a friend of mine. I was trying to think about what I wanted to say; it occured to me on the way over.  I want to bring out one of my favortie quotes, because it is so appropriate.  This quote is often attributed to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, but it was first uttered by famous Abolishionist Theodore Parker in the 1850s.  It says: 'The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.'  And he wasn't of course talking about the 'ark' a-r-k, Noah's ark, but the arc as the sun travels across the sky.  The issue for everyone is 'How do we bend that arc toward justice?'  That's what Pastor Perryman does everyday and the people of this congregation.  They pull that 'arc' toward social justice.  It will happen on its own accord, but we can speed it up.  That's what this Pasot does, that's why I'm proud to be here today, and proud to call him a rfiend of mine.  Thank you, congratulations!"

Communtiy Leader

County Commisioner

"I bring with me greetins from the County Commisioners, honoring Dr. Perryman and First Lady Perryman on 11 years.  Like Steve, who spoke before me, I was thinking about a quote in particular that would sum up the 11 years of ministry here.  In the book of Luke:  'To much is given, much is expected.'  And I think that this is a classic example right here in Pastor and First Lady Perryman. Much has been given to the Perrymans and much has been given back to the community and the congregation.  I just applaud you on behalf of Lucas County and wish them another 11 years of giving back.  I think 11 years from now, I'll be seeing a bustling Dorr Street with more jobs and maybe some Brownstones out there!  I'm seeing, like Steve said, a more just community as we're going in that direction.  Maybe in 11 years, we might even have a President named Michelle Obama!  But we're heading in that direction and look forward to celebrating another 11 years with Pastor Perryman and his wonderful congregation.  I wish you greetings on behalf of Lucas County and thank you for your tremendous service in the community.  Thank you."

County Commisioner

Gift to Dr. & Mrs. Perryman from Sis. Braziel

Sis. Braziel stands next to her gift for Dr. and Leading Lady Perryman.  She says:  "...Rev. Perryman and Sis. Perryman have been in my life since I was an infant.  And it is good to have positive input to help raise your children and to help raise yourself in a positive direction.  I just want to tell them 'I love you, thanks for encouraging me, and keep it up.' "

Gift to Dr. & Mrs. Perryman from Sis. Braziel

Unveiling the Pastor's Gift

Dr. Perryman looks on as his gift from the Official Board is unveiled by Sis. Randolph and Dea. Jones.

Unveiling the Pastor's Gift

The Leading Lady's Gift

Dea. Jones helps the Leading Lady lift her gift (from the Official Board) from the bag.

The Leading Lady's Gift

There's Power In His Presence

Dr. Ivan Hicks of First Baptist Church North (Indianapolis, IN) is the morning preacher for the 11th Pastoral Anniversary Celebration.  The title of his message is "There's Power In His Presence," taken from Isaiah 6:1-11.

There's Power In His Presence

Thank You

COH Leading Lady Perryman thanks Dr. Hicks for preaching to the congregation and being a part of the celebration. 

Thank You


Members and guests line up for their food at the Davis building after service.


Sis. Jean Lark

(President of Women's Auxiliary Northwest Ohio Missionary Association)  "Pastor and First Lady on your 11th anniversary, all I wanna do is say that you have been a blessing to me personally and that you've been a blessing to those within your congregation.  I thank God for the both of you.  God Bless."

Sis. Jean Lark

Sis. Letha Green

(Member of Union Grove Missionary Baptist Church)  "Dr. Perryman and Mrs. Perryman, y'all keep up the good work.  You have a beautiful thing going. "

Sis. Letha Green

Sis. Najwa Pitts

"I just would like to say to the Rev. and First Lady that ever since I've been coming to Center of Hope, me and my family, they have changed our lives, they have helped us out and we are very thankful and appreciative.  Happy 11 years of Pastoral and I'm glad I was a part of this celebration."

Sis. Najwa Pitts

Sis. Stephanie Pickett

(far right with her daughters)  "To Pastor & First Lady, I just want to say congratulations for 11 years and many more.  I wanna thank you for being a blessing in my life and thank you for letting me participate in your celebration."

Sis. Stephanie Pickett

Sis. Mercedes Perryman

"To my Pastor Dr. Perryman and Leading Lady Sis. Willetta Perryman, congrats to you both.  Thank you for being mentors to us all and congratulations on 11 years and may God continue to bless the both of you."

Sis. Mercedes Perryman

From New Home Missionary Baptist Church

(l-r)  Sis. Ellena Cornett, Sis. Katherine Moore, Sis. Willie Loveless.
Sis Cornett:  "I just would like to say congratulations to them.  I've known the Perrymans ever since we moved to Toledo years and years ago when we were up in New Home Baptist Church where Rev. Perryman (Dr. Perryman's Grandfather) was our Pastor.  We certainly have enjoyed and appreciated the invite." 
Sis. Moore:  "Just to say congratulations to Dr. Perryman.  We have known him for many years and we're so happy that we could be here on this joyous occasion."
Sis. Loveless:  "This is one of my 'sons' and I enjoyed him and I want to say congratulations to him because he always looks after me."

From New Home Missionary Baptist Church

Mother Mary Perryman-Johnson

"I'd like to say congratulations to Dr. Perryman and Sis. Willetta Perryman on their 11th Anniversary."

Mother Mary Perryman-Johnson

Bro. Chuck Warren

"Pastor and First Lady I want you to know that since I've been involved at Center of Hope, I've lost depair and have come into hope.  I really enjoy being a member of the church.  Thank you."

Bro. Chuck Warren

Sis. Jean Coats

"Congratulations to Pastor and First Lady for their 11th Anniversary.  This is my 9th year at Center of Hope and I have enjoyed every year that I've been here.  I have leard so much from his teaching.  I do love my Pastor, First Lady, and their whole family, and I hope I'm around to see many many more.  Thank you so much!"

Sis. Jean Coats

Sis. Diamond

"Happy 11th Anniversary Pastor & Leading Lady!"

Sis. Diamond

Bro. Rodney

"Thank you Pastor and First Lady.  You touched everyone's heart."

Bro. Rodney

Bro. Rayvon

"Thank you Pastor & First Lady!"

Bro. Rayvon

Dea. Edward Jones

"I just want to let my Pastor and my First Lady know how much I really enjoyed this 11th Pastoral Anniversary. I've been a part of it for 8 years and I'm just blessed to be in the congregation and I love them so much.  I'm gonna keep on keepin' on and do what 'thus says the Lord' because I know 'the Lord is my light and my salvation, who shall I fear?'  Thank you."

Dea. Edward Jones

Dea. Larry Stegall

"First of all I want to say congratulations to the Pastor and First Lady for 11 years of being on the 'battle field' for the Lord and doing a fantastic job!  I just want to say that you've been an inspiration in my life and I thank God for Center of Hope!  I know it's touching alot of other folks' lives, especially the children and their parents.  You're doing a great job in the community.  Continue to keep doing what you're doing.  No mater what, just continue to stay on the 'battle field' for the Lord.  Love you both." 

Dea. Larry Stegall

Bro. Ayden

"Pastor and First Lady, I want to congratulate you on your 11th Pastoral Anniversary.  Keep doing what you're doing."

Bro. Ayden

Dea. Randall Clark

"Being both a COH member and son-in-law of yours, I clearly see that being a Pastor and First Lady is a full-time job---if not more.  As a six year member, I am just amazed at how much two people can do for an entire community in such a short period of time!  I appreciate the both of you for what you have done for me and how you have contributed to my spiritual growth over the years.  Congratulations on 11 years of doing the Lord's work!"

Dea. Randall Clark

Sis. Vanessa Jones

"Happy 11th Pastoral Anniversary Rev. Dr. D.L. and Leading Lady Willetta Perryman!  Congratulations!  May God bless you with many many many more! 

Sis. Vanessa Jones

Sis. Delores Pickens

"Congratulations to the First Lady and my number one Pastor!  May God bless and keep you and have many many wonderful years!"

Sis. Delores Pickens

Sis. Aarona Braziel

"Well Rev. and Sister P., it's been a blessing.  Congratulations on the first 11 and we look forward to many more.  Bless you.  Love you."

Sis. Aarona Braziel

Sis. Johnnie Blango

"This is my first time ever being a part of a Pastoral Anniversary and it's been a blessing for me to be a part of it and I wish them many, many more.  I'm gonna be a part of them if the Lord says so.  I want to be in that number."

Sis. Johnnie Blango

Sis. Kathryn Randolph

"Oh Happy Day, Happy Day, Happy Day!  I love you so much!  Thank you for all you've done Dr. Donald Perryman and our Leading Lady Sis. Willetta Perryman!"

Sis. Kathryn Randolph